Can Living Near a Farm Help Prevent Allergies?

Premier Allergy

As if you needed another reason to love farm animals, they just may help millions of people around the world avoid allergy problems. A study out of the Netherlands found some very interesting results when gathering data about people that live on farms. They also gathered data about people living around farms and the allergies they had or did not have. When people say the cure is in nature, this is often very much the truth. Here is a look at how living near a farm can actually help prevent people from getting allergies.

What are allergies?

There are many different kinds of allergies. People are allergic to pets. The pollen in the air can make people sneeze, eyes water, and coughing may occur. Allergies are annoying and make it difficult for allergy sufferers to breathe clearly. Allergies can be kicked up from dust, from many plants when the wind blows, the chemicals in the environment also can cause allergies. Allergies can also be a result of a too hygienic environment. Using too much of antibacterial soap or gel can kill the good bacteria we all need as well as the bad.

Who suffers from allergies?

It has been found that more people who live in cities that have less parks and more cement tend to suffer more allergies than people who live in the country. Thousands of people flock to the doctor to help fight allergies. A place like Premier Allergy has qualified professionals to help allergy sufferers identify the source of their allergy. Once the doctor knows the source than the patient can be correctly treated so they do not have to suffer from allergies day to day. Premier Allergy is a great place to go for diagnosis and treatment. It is always best to consult with a doctor for your allergy problems. Tests can help determine the exact things you are allergic to.

How is an allergy-free life possible?

A study was conducted in the Netherlands that exposed something amazing. People who lived on farms had far less to almost zero allergies. Then the data collected showed that also people within a 1000 feet of the farms depending on which way the wind blew showed those people did not suffer from allergies. Why would that be. It was more accurate when the adults had lived near the farm since childhood. The farms all had live stock like cows and pigs. The study found that there is gram negative bacteria with within 1000 to 1600 feet if farms. These gram bacteria are essential in helping fight off allergies in many people. People can laugh at people who take nature serious. They can laugh at those who respect nature and not try to mess with it’s balance. Maybe those who are laughing are lucky because they already live in an environment that protects them. The reality is that a lot of people in live in the city because of work. Many of the those people suffer allergies.

Move to Rural Areas

Thanks to the internet today, there is a lot of access for rural areas. If you or someone you know sufferers from bad allergies, than maybe it is time to make a move. Often people think of people living in the country as the ones that get allergies. The Netherlands data shows just the opposite. There are a lot of living things out in the country. It is important to note that the living things we can’t see are just as important as the living things we can see. With climate change there is no guessing how much worse everyone will get with their health as nature is harmed more.

If you are an allergy sufferer, there is hope. If you can not pick up and move within 1000 feet of livestock, there are over the counter drugs that can help you. A doctor is the best person to talk to. The doctor can help you pinpoint your allergy. Then you can devise a plan for your recovery. You can always visit a farm as much as you can to help you breath the air that helps so much. If you are daring, you could buy a farm and possible rid yourself of allergies